
We’d love to help you discover who Jesus is

During the next 6 weeks of term we’re running two separate series.
  • In the first two services (8:30 & 10:30) we’ll be looking at the book of Joshua to see God’s faithfulness in giving his people an inheritance.
  • Then at the 4:15 and 6pm service we’ll be looking at the book of 2 Peter and considering how to continue to grow as followers of Jesus.

About Jesus.

Jesus is central to everything. He is God the Son, the King, the Judge before whom we will all be called to account, and – he is the only Saviour. Through his sacrifice on the cross we can be fully and finally forgiven by God – redeemed from our sin. His resurrection and ascension have blazed a trail through death to life with God forever for all who believe to follow. We are disciples of Jesus at Willows, and as we go about our ordinary lives we would love to help you be a disciple of Jesus too.

About the Bible.

The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the living, breathing and infallible word of God. God speaks directly to us by his Spirit through his word the Bible. The Bible as a whole is the unfolding revelation of God’s plan to redeem sinful people through Jesus for eternal life. We love to open the Bible together at Willows.

About Us.

We are disciples/followers of Jesus who are trying to go about our ordinary lives in a way that helps other people to become disciples of Jesus. We listen to God in the Bible, we speak to God in prayer and we meet with one another each week to help each other live for Jesus in the context of ordinary lives. We’d love you to join us. 

About Sundays

Each Sunday we have four different congregations that meet for church. We are also livestreaming our 8:30 service on our Facebook page.

Regardless of which service you attend at Willows they all prioritize listening to God in his Word the bible and letting it change us to make us more like Jesus. Central to each service is the sermon which aims to clearly and engagingly unpack what God is saying through the bible. We also respond to God’s word through singing, praying and encouraging one another.

Some of our regular ministries


Creche, Playtime, Kid's Bible Time, Explorers, Adventure Club


Friday Nights 6 - 8:30pm
Grades 7 - 12

Gen M

Over 50's ministry

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