In Term 1 and up until easter we’re going to be working our way through the back half of Luke’s Gospel and follow Jesus as he journeys up to Jerusalem. As we do we’ll be exploring what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus.
The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the living, breathing and infallible word of God. God speaks directly to us by his Spirit through his word the Bible. The Bible as a whole is the unfolding revelation of God’s plan to redeem sinful people through Jesus for eternal life. We love to open the Bible together at Willows.
Each Sunday we have four different congregations that meet for church. We are also livestreaming our 8:30 service on our Facebook page.
Regardless of which service you attend at Willows they all prioritize listening to God in his Word the bible and letting it change us to make us more like Jesus. Central to each service is the sermon which aims to clearly and engagingly unpack what God is saying through the bible. We also respond to God’s word through singing, praying and encouraging one another.